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Treating Grubs on Your Lawn

Apr 29, 2024

Are mysterious brown patches popping up on your once-lush lawn? Are uninvited guests like raccoons and birds leaving behind a mess? You might have a grub problem. But fear not! Weed Man is here to arm you with the knowledge and solutions to keep your lawn healthy and grub-free.


What are Grubs?

Grubs are the larval stage of beetles, such as Japanese beetles and June bugs, that feed on grassroots beneath your lawn's surface. These voracious eaters can wreak havoc on your turf, causing it to become spongy and vulnerable to drought and other stressors.


How to Know If Your Lawn Has a Grub Problem

Keep an eye out for telltale signs like irregular brown patches, small animals digging holes, damaged grassroots, and spongy turf. Understanding the white grub life cycle—from deep soil dwelling in winter to pupae stage in summer—can also help you pinpoint when your lawn is most at risk.


Basic Rules for Treatment

Timing is crucial when it comes to grub control. Applying treatments during peak egg-laying periods by adult beetles, typically in spring and early summer, ensures maximum effectiveness. That's where Acelepryn® comes in. As Weed Man's newest grub control product, Acelepryn® offers unmatched season-long subsurface control with just one preventative application. Plus, its wide application window provides flexibility, and irrigation isn't necessary for optimal results. In some cases, tackling a severe grub infestation may require us to exceed pesticide limits set by the New Brunswick Government. When this happens, a permit may be necessary. If your lawn requires a permit, there will be a fee associated with the permitting process. Rest assured, our team will guide you through every step, ensuring your lawn gets the care it needs while staying compliant with regulations.


How Weed Man Treats a Lawn for Grubs

At Weed Man, we take a proactive approach to grub control. Our experts carefully time applications of Acelepryn® to coincide with the peak egg-laying period of adult beetles. This ensures that your lawn receives the protection it needs before grubs hatch and start feeding on grassroots. With Acelepryn's® unique mode of action, it binds to the ryanodine receptors in insect muscle fibers, ultimately leading to paralysis and death. This means you can trust Weed Man to deliver long-lasting grub control without the need for excessive watering or worrying about reduced efficacy.

By understanding what grubs are, how to identify a grub problem, and the basics of treatment, you're empowered to take control of your lawn's health. With Weed Man and Acelepryn® on your side, you can enjoy a lush, grub-free lawn all season long. Say goodbye to brown patches and hello to green, thriving turf!